Dual study program

In cooperation with the Bavarian/Swabian Digital Campus, we offer places in a dual study program involving in-depth practical experience in our company.


  • General qualification for university or advanced technical college entrance (Abitur/Fachhochschulreife)
  • Very good grades in natural sciences
  • Interest in technology
  • Willingness to learn and work
  • Team skills

The dual study program combines theoretical education at university with comprehensive practical experience in the company and online learning content.

We work together with the Bavarian/Swabian Universities of Applied Sciences.

The Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and Art approved the joint application from the universities of Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm to launch the "Digital and Regional" project, and the dual study program started in the autumn of 2016 in Nördlingen.

We are taking part in the "Digital and Regional" project, and at the start of the 2018 semester we will again be offering a place in the dual study program involving extensive practical experience.

We are looking forward to a breath of fresh air!

Click here to go to the "Digital and Regional" page.


You will receive a response from us within eight weeks upon submitting your application. If you are not considered for the vacancy, we will return your application documents submitted by post. We completely delete all email applications from our data archive after a limited storage period of 3 months following the rejection date.

Please send your written application by mail to

SPN Schwaben Präzision Fritz Hopf GmbH

z. Hd. Herrn Georg Jaumann

Fritz-Hopf-Straße 1

86720 Nördlingen

or E-Mail to pw@spn-drive.de


Do you have specific questions about the dual study program at SPN?

Contact Person

Georg Jaumann

Telephone: +49 9081 214-200

Do you have questions with regard to the human resources? Talk to the our experts about it.

Contact Person

Georg Jaumann

Telephone: +49 9081 214-200

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