Student placement – orientation for your future career

For most bachelor or master degree courses a pre-study work placement is compulsory. SPN offers work placements in the training workshop or the engineering department.

If you are looking for a work placement in mechanical engineering, mechatronics or economics, then feel free to send us an informative application.

The fields of application and topics are agreed on an individual basis.

Your application should include the following information:

  • Starting date and duration of your work placement
  • Desired training profession
  • Short resume

Please send your written application by mail to:

SPN Schwaben Präzision Fritz Hopf GmbH
Attn. Mr. Georg Jaumann
Fritz-Hopf-Straße 1
86720 Nördlingen

or via email to

Do you have specific questions about a work placement at SPN?

Contact Person

Georg Jaumann

Telephone: +49 9081 214-200

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