SPN acts - rapid aid for earthquake disaster

SPN fundraiser

A few weeks ago, Jürgen Schneller and Kamil Öngören were in Turkey on business - exactly where the earth shook.

It is shocking to see the extent of the severe earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The Hotel Divan, where Schneller and his colleague Öngören stayed in Gaziantep, is a high-rise building. It is still standing, reports Jürgen Schneller. But hotels and airports are probably more stable than other buildings. Many of these houses that the two have seen in the region around Gaziantep and in Kahramanmaras have been destroyed.

Kamil Öngören is in daily contact with acquaintances from Turkey. He reports that many people are missing. In one factory, he says, 100 of 400 employees have gone missing. Tragic moments that are currently unfolding - Öngören knows exactly how those affected feel: He himself witnessed the earthquake not far from Istanbul in his early 20s: "We helped dig people out back then." In 1999, some 17,000 people lost their lives in that disaster. After the current earthquake, not all of the dead have been found by a long shot; so far, some 40,000 victims have been counted in Syria and Turkey.

Öngören wants to help the people, he has also already sent money privately to an acquaintance, but he only replied where to spend the money, because no supermarket is open. Nevertheless, doing nothing is out of the question for the native Turk, who now lives in Deiningen. That's why SPN has now collected money that will go to the Malteser International organization, which is on the ground in Turkey. The most important thing that is needed now are monetary means. The money will go exclusively to the affected people for the initial, food supply, accommodation, etc..

SPN fundraiser

We have already exceeded our self-imposed donation goal of 2,500.00 euros. But every Euro counts!

Do you also want to help? Then join us, no matter how big the donation is.

Click here to go to our fundraising campaign: www.malteser-international.org/de/spenden-helfen/machen-sie-mit/spendenaktion/formular


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