A good cause for education and the community

From left to right: Jeannette Zeuß (Deputy Head of SVE), Erwin Seiler (Chairman of the Friends' Association), Norbert Wanger (Chairman of the SPN Works Council), Rainer Hertle (Technical Managing Director of SPN), Florian Wutzer (Head of School)

On 24 January 2020, we were able to hand over the donation cheque for 1,500.00 euros to the Association of Friends and Supporters of the Hermann-Keßler-Schule Möttingen e. V.

The employees of SPN Schwaben Präzision Fritz Hopf GmbH once again set an example of solidarity and social responsibility this year. The traditional Christmas raffle, in which gifts from suppliers and business partners are raffled off, raised an impressive sum of 1,315 euros. By topping up our company, we achieved a donation of €1,500.00.

The previous year, the company had already decided to donate to the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Hermann-Keßler-Schule Möttingen e.V. in order to actively support the region. A personal tour of the facility confirmed the sensible and effective use of the funds.

The association supports numerous projects and offers at the Lebenshilfe Donau-Ries support centre, including animal-assisted education, art projects and an inclusive holiday programme. It also provides financial and non-material support for the purchase of new play and sports equipment and the realisation of larger projects. The main objective is to promote the participation of young people with disabilities who attend the Hermann-Keßler-Schule support centre with its preparatory school facility (SVE) and curative education day centre (HPT).


The "Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Hermann-Keßler-Schule Möttingen e. V." (Association of Friends and Supporters of the Hermann-Keßler-Schule Möttingen) makes an important contribution to supporting the variety of support and educational programmes offered by the Hermann-Keßler-Schule and thus enables children and young people with disabilities from the entire district of Donau-Ries to learn, have fun and participate.

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