Your first contact or inquiry comes to us by e-mail, by phone, by visiting a trade fair, etc..
The way to your customized special gear unit
This is how customer-specific special gear units are created at SPN
Your requirements are our driving force. Close dialog with the customer and sound advice are prerequisites for the development of innovative, market-driven SPN special solutions. New technologies and new customer requirements are a constant challenge to the creative skills and know-how of our engineers. Every company is measured by its products. Your special solution is our product.
Our strong competences in kinematic design, gear design, bearing calculation and the complete structural mechanics with FEM calculation including state-of-the-art design tools enable our development team to design the best customized special gearbox for you. We accompany you from development to technical production and testing. At SPN you get your all-round carefree package!
Your advantages
- Customized special gearbox = reduction of costs and at the same time better technical performance
- Full cost transparency throughout the entire project
- Very fast implementation, short development times, fast prototyping
- Highest flexibility
- Deep manufacturing knowledge
- 1 contact person throughout the entire project
- Everything under one roof! From development to technical manufacturing & testing
- Professional project planning, agile teams, creative minds working together in an interdisciplinary and cross-functional way
- We respond to your customer requirements and involve you as a customer very closely in the project
- Solution-oriented development together with the customer
= your perfect customized gearbox!
Kontaktaufnahme, erste Beratung & Datenübermittlung
Erste Kontaktaufnahme bzw. Anfrage erfolgt über E-Mail, Telefon oder z. B. auf Messen.
Ein direkter Ansprechpartner betreut das Projekt weiterhin nach der Entwicklung.
Intensiver Austausch zwischen Kunde & SPN
Intensive Beratung zu den Kundenanforderungen ermöglicht eine optimale Antriebslösung.
Start Serienfertigung / Bestellung Rahmenaufträge
Offizielle Serienfertigung bzw. Rahmenaufträge starten erst nach intensiver Erprobung.
Erst ab diesem Schritt
entstehen für Sie Kosten.
Re-Design bei Bedarf
Bei Änderungen oder Anpassungen geht die Antriebslösung in ein Re-Design.
Entwicklungsphase, Berechnung & Auslegung
Entwicklung einer Antriebslösung anhand Beispielen & Ideen im Austausch mit dem Kunden.
Vorserie & Feldtest
Eine Vorserie und ein Feldtest decken mögliche Änderungsanforderungen am Getriebe auf.
Finales Produktangebot & Bestellung Kunde
Nachdem eine optimale Antriebslösung steht, startet die finale Beauftragung.
Musterbau / Prototyp & Erprobung
Getriebe-Muster werden intensiv erprobt - direkt beim Kunden oder bei SPN.
Our process to the special gearbox - explained step by step.
Contact your SPN expert
Your direct inquiry to our special solutions
Are you interested in our special gear units?
The following form makes it easy for you to contact us: You tell us what it's about or how we can help you - and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.