In 2012 we took part in the project "Lohngleichheit im Betrieb - Deutschland" (wage equality in German firms), also called "Logib-D", run by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth to promote greater wage equality between men and women.
During the project, the wage and personnel structures were investigated in detail with the analysis tool Logib-D to check for gender pay gaps, and their causes were analysed. As part of a sponsored consultation with professional business consultants, concrete individual options for action were generated in order to reduce any wage gaps detected.
SPN considers equal opportunities and wage equality for men and women and a family-friendly human-resources policy to be a decisive competitive advantage with which to attract qualified specialist personnel. Logib-D helped us to make better use of women's know-how and to value the performance of our female staff appropriately, and also confirmed that wage equality exists at SPN.