From left: Josef Seitz, Rainer Hertle, Sister Gaspara, Georg Jaumann, Martin Stumpf, Stefan Rößle
100 years adorn our company. This gave us the opportunity to make a globally meaningful and sustainable contribution together with the Fritz and Lieselotte Hopf Foundation.
In cooperation with the Vier Steine für Afrika e.V. association in Nördlingen and the donations from our customers and employees on the occasion of our anniversary, we were able to build a school for the children in Korogwe, Tanzania.
We would like to thank you all for your support of our “SPN School”!
It was a great pleasure to welcome Sister Gaspara, Superior of the Usambara Sisters and Head of our SPN School, at our 100th Anniversary Gala Evening on September 26, 2019. She was already able to tell us about construction progress of the SPN School.
Thankfully and with much joy, Sister Gaspara officially accepted the donation check in the amount of € 40,000 from our managing directors Georg Jaumann and Rainer Hertle as well as the chairman of the board of the non-profit Fritz and Liselotte Hopf Foundation Josef Seitz.
Planning for the school in Tanzania had already begun in June 2019 when Sister Gaspara, Superior of the Usambara Sisters, was visiting Germany. It quickly became clear that it should be an inclusive school, as this group of people are often marginalized and not supported by society. In addition, the long-term goal of the school center was to provide technical training. The construction of the school should progress quickly so as not to jeopardize the start of school in January 2020. “Unfortunately, we have often experienced how ‘real life’ in a country like Tanzania, with its new challenges, can throw plans out of kilter and cause delays,” explains Rainer Hertle, Technical Managing Director of SPN Schwaben Präzision
On January 25, 2021, school operations began with the first class at our SPN school. A total of 37 pupils from the surrounding communities of Kwamdolwa, Kichangani and Goo are now being looked after in this educational institution. In the following school year, the number of pupils will be increased with the 2nd class. Each year, the school will be expanded by a further year group. The school plans to reach up to 7 grades, which will be supplemented by two dormitories for boarding students.
Part of the Christmas donation in 2022 went to our social project of the heart, the SPN school in Tanzania. Thanks to the joint initiative with the Fritz and Lieselotte Hopf Foundation and the “Vier Steine für Afrika” association, the school was able to build its own school bus for the pupils. SPN Managing Director Rainer Hertle emphasized the importance of this project: “The positive development of our school in Tanzania fills me with joy and gratitude. Sister Gaspara and her team are making a valuable contribution and I am convinced that we are offering the children better prospects through this educational opportunity.”
An official opening ceremony was originally planned for February 23, 2022, but had to be postponed due to a coronavirus warning in Tanzania.
The latest news from 2023 shows further positive developments at the SPN school. Drilling recently began for a well in the immediate vicinity of the school grounds. The well was successfully put into operation at the end of May. The drilling was carried out in close cooperation with local construction experts to ensure sustainable access to clean drinking water for pupils and teachers. This measure not only contributes to education, but also to improved living conditions.
If you would like to donate specifically for the SPN school, please note this on your bank transfer in the subject line. Also, do not forget to include your name and address so that Vier Steine für Afrika e.V. can send you a donation receipt. Transfer your donation to: Vier Steine für Afrika e.V. Account 526 800 RVB Ries eG, BLZ 720 693 29 IBAN: DE37 7206 9329 0000 5268 00 BIC: GENODEF1NOE Thank you! Further information about Vier Steine für Afrika e.V. and our SPN school can be found here.
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