Transmission solution for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in intralogistics

The right part in the right place - optimized in terms of time and route - is already supported by the use of automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and will continue to be so in the future. The use of these smart vehicles has become indispensable in many intralogistics systems. This smart and sustainable transport solution increases productivity in manufacturing and warehousing and supports sustainable and ecological goals in the company.
The automated guided vehicles, or AGVs, are in continuous use. Interruptions or long maintenance and repair times disrupt the logistics process and reduce productivity. This places high demands on the transmission. Maintenance-free and robust transmission solutions are required here. This is what drives SPN - to develop worry-free and reliable gearbox solutions that optimize internal transport and keep it maintenance-free - with robust drives that require minimal installation space and score with a high load capacity. Our transmission solution is specially adapted to the requirements of AGVs and is designed together with you, as the manufacturer and developer of such transport systems, to meet your specific specifications. The design is based on proven standards and is manufactured precisely, customized and reliably.
SPN Schwaben Präzision Fritz Hopf GmbH has developed a compact drive and steering unit that takes up these requirements and implements them perfectly.
- The travel drive is designed with an optimally combined gearbox of different designs.
- The steering drive scores with a self-locking gear combination for energy-saving control.
- A 360° endlessly swiveling drive wheel for positionally accurate maneuvering ensures maximum mobility.
- Defined sensors are integrated into the system at the customer's request. This enables the transmission system to travel at speeds of up to 10 km/h. A drive load of up to 1.25t is possible without any problems.
Customized solutions are our drive. Connection geometries to specified vehicle frames can be implemented specifically according to requirements, and the wheel connection geometry can be flexibly adapted.
The way to your traction drive for AGVs and AGVs:
Kontaktaufnahme, erste Beratung & Datenübermittlung
Erste Kontaktaufnahme bzw. Anfrage erfolgt über E-Mail, Telefon oder z. B. auf Messen.
Ein direkter Ansprechpartner betreut das Projekt weiterhin nach der Entwicklung.
Intensiver Austausch zwischen Kunde & SPN
Intensive Beratung zu den Kundenanforderungen ermöglicht eine optimale Antriebslösung.
Start Serienfertigung / Bestellung Rahmenaufträge
Offizielle Serienfertigung bzw. Rahmenaufträge starten erst nach intensiver Erprobung.
Erst ab diesem Schritt
entstehen für Sie Kosten.
Re-Design bei Bedarf
Bei Änderungen oder Anpassungen geht die Antriebslösung in ein Re-Design.
Entwicklungsphase, Berechnung & Auslegung
Entwicklung einer Antriebslösung anhand Beispielen & Ideen im Austausch mit dem Kunden.
Vorserie & Feldtest
Eine Vorserie und ein Feldtest decken mögliche Änderungsanforderungen am Getriebe auf.
Finales Produktangebot & Bestellung Kunde
Nachdem eine optimale Antriebslösung steht, startet die finale Beauftragung.
Musterbau / Prototyp & Erprobung
Getriebe-Muster werden intensiv erprobt - direkt beim Kunden oder bei SPN.
Our process to your AGV travel drive - step by step.
Your initial contact or inquiry comes to us by email, phone, by visiting a trade show, etc. An initial consultation and data transfer takes place. We advise you on your requirements: either for a standard gear unit or for a customized gear unit.
The future of intralogistics
Intralogistics will be characterized by further developments and automations in the future, new storage and internal transport concepts will increase the efficiency and productivity of companies. Manufacturing logistics will be rethought and put on a sustainable footing.
With individual transmission solutions, which are adapted to the requirements and conditions of driverless transport systems, processes are being rethought and forward-looking logistics processes are being designed.
Further information on automated guided vehicles
Industry examples for further SPN drive solutions
[Translate to EN:] Ihr Ansprechpartner für Ihre Branchenlösung