Two trainees have successfully completed their training at SPN – despite the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
When the Corona crisis and lockdown hit daily life in March, this also poses major challenges for training in at SPN. From one day to the next, completely new concepts had to be developed. This was also an unforeseeable situation for the trainers (Sascha Nebrich and Peter Kuhberger) of SPN, when all trainees were in the home office for two weeks from 20.03.2020. Initially, the exam preparations and learning work could only take place via zoom. To all regret, the vocational schools were no longer open from March.
Vocational school teaching is a strictly timed matter for prospective graduates, the teachers together ensure that future young professionals go through a very demanding and challenging programme. In the middle of-March, it was then possible to resume attendance lessons for the premature examiners.
After the written examination could take place in mid-June, four weeks later than planned, Martina Brenner and Niklas Bissinger still had 14 days to prepare for the upcoming practical examination.
Martina Brenner successfully passed the final examination as an industrial mechanic with a six-month reduction in the apprenticeship period. She achieved an excellent result and was awarded the special recognition of the government of Swabia. Martina will support the department Process Chain Soft Small in the future, she has been taken over into a temporary employment relationship.
Niklas Bissinger is happy about his graduation as a mechatronics engineer. He was not taken on because he wants to start his mechanical engineering studies in October.
We congratulate Martina and Niklas on passing their final examination and wish them all the best for the future!