SPN was exhibitor at professional information day at Maria Stern middle school in Nördlingen

From the left.: Benedikt Hänlein, Lisa Leberle, Sascha Nebrich (Stellvertretender Ausbildungsleiter), Jana-Marie Enders und Sven Elz

The Event "Day of professions" took place already for the second time at the middle School in Nördlingen, which is a co-operation between school an industry. The teachers Andreas Kiesl and Thorsten Gleichmar had invited 20 companies from Nördlingen to the school´s gymnasium who could present their training professions at their stands to the students interested. The event was started with a welcome of the principal Thomas Möckel. He welcomed all representatives of the companies and thanked the organisers. He was happy that the number of exhibitors has even icreased thanks to the positive feedback of last year when the project had been an experiment. The invited companies based in Nördlingen are attractive and well-established companies. Almost all common industries were represented. Besides technical professions, also commercial and social trainings professions were demonstrated. The students from 8th, 9th and 10th grade had the possibility to get to know different companies. Parallel to the exhibitions, presentations took place in the class rooms, giving Information about the different trainings and their framework conditions. SPN Schwaben Präzision was present with Sascha Nebrich and four trainees and they answered the questions of the visitors. In the afternoon, parents could also visit the exhibition. Reult: a very successful event of the middle school for all students! We will come back next year!

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